
Customer Testimonials

Listed below are some of the comments that we've received from our customers. We pride ourselves on the quality & uniqueness of our products and the excellent level of service that we provide. We have a global customer base with templates sold in more than 100 countries and counting!

I must say that these templates are a work of genius.

- Anton F - United Kingdom

I have been using your templates for a few years and it changed my whole life! You are such a perfectionist! Just brilliant!!

- Nigel C - South Africa

This is exactly what I am looking for! Thanks very much for your great products! Very much appreciated.

- Jeroen V - Netherlands

Thanks for a great product!

- Julie P - Canada

Your products have simplified the basics of accounting for small businesses who just start out and entrepreneurs, I absolutely love it. As my business grows I will definitely purchase more products from you.

- Shanelle C - South Africa

Thank you so much for your great products & all your help!

- Sue M - United States

Thank you and your formulas are amazing!

- Simphiwe M - South Africa

That is excellent, thank you very much for an extremely well designed excel sheet.

- Dwayne F - United States

We are very impressed with the management accounts template. Thanks for all the great support and advice. Your recommendations worked a treat! You will see our order for your complete suite of reports this week. Amazing service.

- Darren J - United Kingdom

Thank you very much! Loving this product!!!!

- Ina B - Namibia

I purchased the excel templates last week. They are wonderful tools to use. Thank you!

- Benjamin M - South Africa

Okay great - thanks so much for your help! Really appreciate the quick customer service.

- Danielle N - United States

Thank you so much. You have been so incredibly helpful and patient! I really appreciate everything!!

- Jaclyn R - United States

I purchased your excel accounting skills templates 3 months ago and I must say it has worked wonders in my business. Thank you so much for such a super tool!

- Bakang M - Botswana

Thanks, this is the most beautiful tool I've seen. It's great!!

- Alphonso S - Liberia

I am happy that I purchased these spreadsheets from you, your support is great and I will highly recommend you to my business friends!

- Denis A - Turkey

Thank you so much for your quick and detailed reply, something quite lacking in today's online society!

- Rick B - Australia

Thank you very much for the excellent service, telling everybody!

- Tony S - South Africa

Please allow me to take this opportunity to say you guys have done a good job of the site. Keep up the good work!

- Gasim A - United Kingdom

In addition to your extraordinary job with the templates, your customer service is also excellent.

- Damtew M - Ethiopia

Greetings from Nepal. Thank you so much for your co-operative and friendly response!

- Himalayan Coffee - Nepal

You always save the moment! Thank you so much!

- Rod N - United Arab Emirates

Thank you for the valuable information, your templates are really amazing and productive.

- Keegan N - South Africa

Many thanks for your quick response. I really admire your customer relations!

- Manford B - Ghana

Thank you so much for your message, which I am pleased to say has solved all my problems. Your advice was great. I admit that my computer skills are not good so it is lovely how you responded to my plea for help.

- Peter S - United Kingdom

Thank you very much for your help and getting back to me so soon.

- Oluseyi O - Nigeria

Thank you so much - this email has made my day, I really appreciate your assistance.

- Paula D - Australia

I am really grateful for your assistance. I really think this will be useful to me and I find the site excellent and still better is the help you are providing!

- Mohammed T - Austria

Amazing! Thank you so much.

- Sayyid M - Tanzania

Thanks for your prompt response. I am greatly appreciative of your kind help.

- Keon - Singapore

Thank you so much once again. I am very pleased with your reply and explanation that you have made me understand the concept.

- Aravind K - Oman

Thank you so much for excellent customer care ethics. If I encounter challenges, I know where to run!

- Phiwe P - South Africa

I purchased a VERY GOOD property investment return from your good selves last week. It is such brilliant work!

- John M - Kenya

Thank you VERY much. Nice to get great service!

- Jackie S - South Africa

I think your spreadsheets are great and your explanations are very clear.

- Fay - Australia

Thank you very much and very good templates.

- Vinit G - India